Saturday, February 20, 2021

Here We Change Again!

Proving the accuracy of the quote in my last blog, we're making ANOTHER change. 

For twelve years we have faithfully met every week, critiquing and encouraging one another with great results -- our members birthed four new books into the world in 2020!

But a pandemic, job changes for some and work schedule changes for others, have played havoc with our meetings. So we took lessons from the lockdown--less is more; quality over quantity--and scaled down to  once a month. 

To avoid conflicts with other writer groups in the area, we have chosen to meet on the third Thursday.  

Check out what our members accomplished in 2020: 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Opened and Regathered

"The only constant in life is change."

Heraclitus said this in the sixth century B.C and we've have been living it out daily twenty-five hundred years later.

Due to COVID-19, the church we meet at closed to in-person gatherings in late March and, instead of getting on Zoom, we chose to use the time to create and write. I hope everyone has had a productive four months.

In mid-May a small group of us tentatively gathered at a member's home and we've done that a few times since.

But today I got GREAT news--the church is re-opened for groups. So, starting this Thursday, July 23, at 7:00 p.m. we will meet at our HOME - Maranatha Church | 7550 Collins Rd | Jacksonville | 32244

What a crazy roller coaster ride 2020 has been thus far and we look forward to re-gathering, reading and sharing your experiences.

See you there!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Home at Last

It has been a year (or two) of turmoil and change, but we are still here. Well, not the here where we used to be...the new here.

If you've been trying to find us, it's been quite the challenge. So, here's what happened.

After many years of meeting at the Charles Webb Wesconnett Regional Library on 103rd Street, they had a change in policy that only allowed groups to book a room twice a month.

Unwilling to limit our critique time, Joseph Mazerac graciously found us accommodations at his church. That was a great space for about three years. However, the digs were leased while they built their permanent quarters. Hmmm...kinda sounds like a pilgrimage in a strange land...

We excitedly watched their property being prepared and then the new building going up. But alas, at the end of the project forces merged to throw us into a period of wandering in the wilderness. The move in date kept getting pushed back (isn't that how these things always go?) and with Joe traveling for work, we weren't sure where the next meeting would be.

We spent a lot of evenings at Dunkin' Donuts--because they are the makers of manna.

Now we're excited to announce WE HAVE A PERMANENT HOME!
Visit us at: Maranatha Church of Jacksonville, 7550 Collins Road, Jacksonville, FL 32244


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What's New?

This year, in addition to our weekly critique sessions, we've been trying to educate ourselves once a month with videos, workshops and writing exercises

In April, Linda Wood Rondeau presented her workshop on Setting as a Character in preparation for a writing conference in Pennsylvania.  And in May, Joseph Mazerac shared insights he had gained while researching query letters. For our next learning opportunity, Jaye Cherie will bring in some writing exercises to stretch our creative muscles.

I wanted to share these with our online audience, but alas, I'm too techno-challenged to pull it off.  So, if you're interested in tapping into the brilliant minds of First Coast Christian Writers you'll just have to visit us in hot, sunny Florida with miles of sandy beaches and cool ocean breezes. I know, it's a sacrifice...

We aim to do the educational component on the third Thursday of the month, but you can email us at: for confirmation and the topic. The other weeks of the month we do critiques. Bring about six copies of a 1000 words (or less) of your work in progress, double-spaced and line numbered or just listen in -- we promise not to bite!

Don't forget -- our new meeting location is:
See a bunch of Karate Kids? You're in the right spot!

Oakleaf Christian Fellowship
6195-7 Lake Gray Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32244

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

“I’m so excited! And I just can’t hide it!”

Oops, you caught me in the middle of a disco flashback. But hey, I am excited about a new year and new beginnings.

First, thanks to Joe Mazerac, we have a new meeting spot:
Oakleaf Christian Fellowship
6195-7 Lake Gray Blvd. 32244

Second, I’m looking forward to a lot of growth this year. We had several visitors in late summer and fall last year, and some we didn’t scare off! We’re really nice people. No, really. We only write about witches, dragons, murder and mayhem.

Third (because all good things come in threes), this is the year YOU are going to meet your personal goals. Whether it is writing one hour everyday or the huge milestone my friend accomplished – 10,000 words in a single day – we’re here as accountability partners. We share in your accomplishments and help you scale that wall when the going gets tough.

So, get excited – join us Thursday nights at 6:45.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Someone Stole My Year

Where has it gone? It seems only yesterday we were welcoming in 2015 and now we're watching as it slips away.

Week in and week out, we've read one another's books, cheered each other on to new accomplishments and shared new found knowledge. Now the year is drawing to a close -- have we finished that manuscript or completed those edits? Did we accomplish the goals we set at the beginning of the year?

In 2016 we'll be given new opportunities and there will be other changes as well. We've been meeting at the Webb Wesconnett Library on 103rd Street for several years, but due to a scheduling snafu (someone also stole my mind) we won't have the room the first quarter of 2016. So, starting Thursday, January 7, we'll have a new meeting place:

Oakleaf Christian Fellowship
6195-7 Lake Gray Blvd. 32244

Don't despair over what hasn't been done. Instead, take these final weeks of the year to create a plan to make writing a priority in 2016. And, include in that plan your critique group -- we look forward to seeing you.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Cost of Love and Sanity

The Cost of Love and Sanity, Jaye Cherie’s second book, hit shelves on January 14, 2014.

A member of First Coast Christian Writers since 2010, Cherie is by far our most prolific writer. She already has two more books written and is outlining a third. She recently held a personal NaNoWriMo producing 70,000 words in 31 days. See – that one day makes all the difference.

Cherie has also tackled the biggest hurdle authors face - marketing. She created a book trailer, arranged a blog tour and scheduled a book signing.

Discipline and commitment to her craft creates warm, funny and poignant tales of women struggling to balance the need for love and independence.

Meet Jaye Cherie between 12-2 p.m. on Saturday, January 18, 2014 at:

Books A Million
9400 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32225


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Black Friday Specials

We have a great group of writers. They’re funny, talented and productive. We spend every Thursday night enjoying a sampling of the works in progress from these wonderful artists. And they are artists. Not only do they write, but many members pursue other artistic outlets. Photography is a common denominator, as is drawing, animation and public speaking. Individually and collectively First Coast Christian Writers are awesome.

It would be selfish to keep all this awesomeness to ourselves so here are a few things our members are up to right now:

Writer and humorist, Danny Murphy, is offering Friday Freebies until December 6. Here’s a great opportunity to sample his humor and share it with your family and friends – think office gifts.

Want to help shape the direction and marketing plan for a novel? Jaye Cherie is holding a focus group on December 7. Space is limited, so get those RSVPs in quickly.

Christine Miller Ramey is featured in the devotional anthology, The Journey Home: Romans 15:24. It is currently available on Kindle for less than a dollar.

Looking for a Christmas tale to ring in the holiday season? Linda Wood Rondeau has three: A Christmas Prayer, Joy Comes to Dinsmore Street, and last year’s delightful romance, It Really is a Wonderful Life.

Enjoy drinking from this talent pool, and then make a New Year’s resolution to see your writing goals come to fruition.

Happy Holidays

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Someone asked me today if I enjoyed the long weekend. What? There was a holiday?

I’m a stay-at-home daughter so doctor visits are the main event around my house. Days are broken into three important time periods: medication, lunch and sun downing. 

In the morning the day stretches out endlessly before me. I don’t have anything scheduled. I’ll get a lot of writing today as soon as I do the grocery shopping or wash the dishes or mow the lawn.

And, because I’m old, that activity wears me out. I rest for a minute or an hour. I don’t have anything scheduled this afternoon. I’ll get a lot of writing done. Then I chase a wayward dust bunny or a wayward mother.

Before I know it night has fallen, but the next day is a clean slate. I don’t have anything scheduled tomorrow. I’ll get a lot of writing done.

The problem is I don’t have anything scheduled, including writing time. How can someone with a full time job write an entire book when I can’t get chapter one edited? They don’t have more hours in their day. They’ve learned to manage their time. They have a schedule.

So today, I’m going to get a lot of writing done. I have it scheduled.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Has Sprung

In honor of daylight savings time, we're adjusting our meeting schedule for the second quarter.  Actually, there's another group in the room before us overlapping our time a little bit.  So, we'll enjoy the spring weather and congregate on the front steps to share our accomplishments and then head into the room for critique time. 

Also, on three nights this quarter we will meet at the Panera Bread at 8635 Blanding Boulevard, 32244.  The dates are: April 11, May 9 and June 13. 

April starts Camp NaNoWriMo if you're planning to participate.  This is a great way to jump start a new project or a stalled work in progress.  Take this opportunity to challenge yourself to grow in the craft.

Keep (or start) writing!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

New Fall Location

First Coast Christian Writers are shaking things up with a new location for fall. 

We will be meeting at the Dunkin' Donuts at 7328 103rd St, Jacksonville, 32210.  This is on the other side of I-295 from the library where we normally meet.

We will be here for November and December. Remember, we take off for Thanksgiving and the last two Thursdays of the year.

Meeting times are the same: Thursday nights 6:45 to 8:45

We will resume meeting at the Wesconnett Library on Thursday, January 3, 2013.

The club will buy the donuts, and the weather's perfect for a steaming cup of hot chocolate or coffee.  So come on out and join us!

Friday, July 13, 2012

L.W. Rondeau’s Newest Book Now Available

Following unprecedented climatic changes, resultant
pestilence and war brought the world into chaos.
Eventually, each nation surrendered its sovereignty to
form a global democracy, initially known as The Accord.
However, the democratic government proved too weak and was soon replaced by a faux democratic rule.

The year is 2073, and current governor of Western America
Province, Edwin Rowlands, is poised to become the
Constitutional Government’s second president. Many fear
that the sweeping reforms found in his proposed
Preservation Act will set him up as a dictator. If enacted,
defection both past and present would become a crime
punishable by death, thus bringing all outlands into
crushing subjection.

While most believe reform is critical, factions disagree on
how to prevent the Preservation Act from becoming law.
Ahmed Farid, second President, believes reform can be
managed within the existing government. Leader of the
Revolutionary Army, Jimmy Kinnear, trusts only in military
intervention. However, Jacob Goodayle, Chairman of
Western America’s illegal outland government, favors

As tensions rise, civil war seems imminent. Who will be the
voice of reason in a world on the verge of a third dark age?
This is our very own Linda Wood Rondeau’s second published book. Check and other online resources for the e-version or hard copy.