Thursday, March 5, 2009

Touchton's Ministry Hits Thousands Monthly

Cheryle Touchton is a writer, a traveling missionary, and a successful businesswoman.
 Cheryle Touchton
Her nickname is the Pocket Full of Quarters Lady because she travels about the country talking to people about Jesus while handing out quarters.  After retiring from a successful business career in technology, she went full-time into Christian ministry as a missionary, motivational speaker, and a writer.  She has published two books: A Pocketful of Quarters: 5 Steps to Loving God, and Pocketful of Christmas: Having a Purpose Filled Advent.

Cheryle explains The Secret To Writing as the same secret to any other successful venture.  The key is the ancient Jewish greatest commandment - the Sh'ma - "Love God with all your mind, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength."  To that she adds the second greatest commandment from the New Testament: "Love your neighbor as yourself."  Love is the key to writing.  She states that God has given us secret Wisdom with which we can actively participate--IF we love Him.

She set out 5 steps to accomplish this:
1. Follow God - mind to mind.
2. Please God - heart to heart.
3. Embrace God - soul to soul.
4. Serve God - strength by Strength
5. Love God's children - neighbor to neighbor.

To enlarge our writing capacity, she challenged each person to seek the answers to several questions: 

  • What do you know?  What do you care about? 
  • What is your "edge" and what does it mean?
  • What delights you?
  • What life experiences do you bring to writing? 
  • Why do you write?

Cheryle's talk was jam-packed with helpful information to both aspiring and published writers; but her talk encompassed much more than just writing.  It's evident that she "walks the walk."  She spends 2 to 4 months a year on the road, dispensing quarters and Christian love to anyone she meets.  She also has a blog detailing her journeys and recieves 20,000 hits a week on her website.  To learn more about her writing and her ministry, visit her website:

by Gerard Webster, FCCW Member

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