Sunday, July 5, 2020

Opened and Regathered

"The only constant in life is change."

Heraclitus said this in the sixth century B.C and we've have been living it out daily twenty-five hundred years later.

Due to COVID-19, the church we meet at closed to in-person gatherings in late March and, instead of getting on Zoom, we chose to use the time to create and write. I hope everyone has had a productive four months.

In mid-May a small group of us tentatively gathered at a member's home and we've done that a few times since.

But today I got GREAT news--the church is re-opened for groups. So, starting this Thursday, July 23, at 7:00 p.m. we will meet at our HOME - Maranatha Church | 7550 Collins Rd | Jacksonville | 32244

What a crazy roller coaster ride 2020 has been thus far and we look forward to re-gathering, reading and sharing your experiences.

See you there!

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